Going for Gold

INDIA Gold-1, Silver-0, Bronze-2, Standing-50


First ever gold medal in an individual event (Shooting) in Olympic history of 108 years.
First ever medal in Boxing

So, the two lines above are enough to satisfy a population of 115 Crore?

Lets check out some other results:

KENYA Gold-5, Silver-5, Bronze-4, Standing-15
Facing ongoing political unrest from 2007.

ETHIOPIA Gold-4, Silver-1, Bronze-2, Standing-18
Raging shortage of food and riots.

ZIMBABWE Gold-1, Silver-3, Bronze-0, Standing 38
Destroyed by internal conflicts and facing isolation from International community.

Are we still satisfied with the results? We always compare ourselves with China, lets look at how they fared in their own backyard.

Gold-51, Silver-21, Bronze-28, Standing-1

It was not long-before, when China won its first ever Gold Medal. In 1984, Los Angeles Games, Xu Haifeng shooted his way to the history of Chinese Olympics as its first ever Gold Medalist. And after 24 years China stand firmly at the top of table with 15 Gold medals more than a distant US.

Some people might argue that they got the home advantage and automatic entry to all the games, but does that mean getting an entry itself guarantees a gold or for that sake a medal? When competing amongst the best of bests, gate-crashers rarely held their heads high.

We should look at China as a source of Inspiration, not enviously. We are, to be frank, no competition to them. Of course we did got the all important breakthrough by winning our first ever Individual Olympic gold. But, its about planning and more importantly executing it. The Chinese planned and targeted each and every medal available. They had a systematic and individual approach towards all the metal pieces on for grab. They started nurturing there talented individuals for this Olympics from Sydney 2000. And we talk about preparing ourselves for London 2012.

The truth is that India need to provide financial security to the athletes. Yes, we are obsessed with Cricket, why not be? Its the only game in which we compete in top flight. We have earned a Test Playing nation status, of which there are only 8 (Zimbabwe suspended for now) other nations in the world. The expectations are met more often than not as compared to any other game we play. India was the world hockey power house. The same sponsor support our hockey and cricket teams. There are no financial problems, of course dreams of over night riches are self made by players, which to be frank depends entirely on a game's commercial value. Ussain Bolt or Michael Phelps even after winning heaps of gold medals, won't be the face of there country for the next 4 years. Jamaica have a lot more than running athletes and as for US, it will be all over when Monday night football kicks off.

China adopted a very basic approach- catch them young. The US athletes were afraid of a Chinese athlete, who according to them looked no older than 14 years and when China showed proof of age, they have to, simply eat their words and criticise them (debatable though). But that clearly underlines one thing, other Olympic powers have acknowledged and are afraid of China's might.

Had the Chinese media went crazy like their Indian counterparts, then they would have to stop broadcasting the events and have to keep interviewing the athletes all the time. There was a medal winner emerging every second hour for them.

We need to be realistic and plan to our strengths. Instead of planning for London 2012, we should start nurturing out forces for Olympics 2020. To plan is the first step, but to execute is the most important one. And who knows these things better than us Indians, we study the 5-year plans and Planning Commissions from Grade 1 to Grade 10. But as goes our basic instinct, we dream, rather to plan.

Going for Gold

INDIA Gold-1, Silver-0, Bronze-2, Standing-50


First ever gold medal in an individual event (Shooting) in Olympic history of 108 years.
First ever medal in Boxing

So, the two lines above are enough to satisfy a population of 115 Crore?

Lets check out some other results:

KENYA Gold-5, Silver-5, Bronze-4, Standing-15
Facing ongoing political unrest from 2007.

ETHIOPIA Gold-4, Silver-1, Bronze-2, Standing-18
Raging shortage of food and riots.

ZIMBABWE Gold-1, Silver-3, Bronze-0, Standing 38
Destroyed by internal conflicts and facing isolation from International community.

Are we still satisfied with the results? We always compare ourselves with China, lets look at how they fared in their own backyard.

Gold-51, Silver-21, Bronze-28, Standing-1

It was not long-before, when China won its first ever Gold Medal. In 1984, Los Angeles Games, Xu Haifeng shooted his way to the history of Chinese Olympics as its first ever Gold Medalist. And after 24 years China stand firmly at the top of table with 15 Gold medals more than a distant US.

Some people might argue that they got the home advantage and automatic entry to all the games, but does that mean getting an entry itself guarantees a gold or for that sake a medal? When competing amongst the best of bests, gate-crashers rarely held their heads high.

We should look at China as a source of Inspiration, not enviously. We are, to be frank, no competition to them. Of course we did got the all important breakthrough by winning our first ever Individual Olympic gold. But, its about planning and more importantly executing it. The Chinese planned and targeted each and every medal available. They had a systematic and individual approach towards all the metal pieces on for grab. They started nurturing there talented individuals for this Olympics from Sydney 2000. And we talk about preparing ourselves for London 2012.

The truth is that India need to provide financial security to the athletes. Yes, we are obsessed with Cricket, why not be? Its the only game in which we compete in top flight. We have earned a Test Playing nation status, of which there are only 8 (Zimbabwe suspended for now) other nations in the world. The expectations are met more often than not as compared to any other game we play. India was the world hockey power house. The same sponsor support our hockey and cricket teams. There are no financial problems, of course dreams of over night riches are self made by players, which to be frank depends entirely on a game's commercial value. Ussain Bolt or Michael Phelps even after winning heaps of gold medals, won't be the face of there country for the next 4 years. Jamaica have a lot more than running athletes and as for US, it will be all over when Monday night football kicks off.

China adopted a very basic approach- catch them young. The US athletes were afraid of a Chinese athlete, who according to them looked no older than 14 years and when China showed proof of age, they have to, simply eat their words and criticise them (debatable though). But that clearly underlines one thing, other Olympic powers have acknowledged and are afraid of China's might.

Had the Chinese media went crazy like their Indian counterparts, then they would have to stop broadcasting the events and have to keep interviewing the athletes all the time. There was a medal winner emerging every second hour for them.

We need to be realistic and plan to our strengths. Instead of planning for London 2012, we should start nurturing out forces for Olympics 2020. To plan is the first step, but to execute is the most important one. And who knows these things better than us Indians, we study the 5-year plans and Planning Commissions from Grade 1 to Grade 10. But as goes our basic instinct, we dream, rather to plan.

Unjustified tolerance

When a government becomes too numb to something, the citizens are easy prey and more vulnerable. Thats what exactly is happening in India.

In very recent times, the country had suffered serial bombings in 3 religiously harmonic and growing metropolises and managed, somehow, to avert 1. After disturbing Jaipur, Bangalore and Ahmedabad were taken on sword by the terrorists in consecutive days and the third disaster averted in Surat the very next day. What does it symbolises? Has the Indian Government left the situation on itself? Or the terrorists are too smart for them to catch? Whatever it does, it surely concludes that the Government had taken a very unique stand on it, which no country and i REPEAT, no country in world can or will do- tolerance, UNJUSTIFIED TOLERANCE.

Agreed India is a country of huge proportions, both by size and population, but is that an excuse. We should look at how China has used it huge population as an asset instead of blaming it for failures and short-comings. With a population of 115 Crore people, pre-dominantly youth, the Government should use it as the best means of internal security. Instead of that, the head-constable on road pulls up a software engineer walking at 11.30 pm. His fault- he was walking hand in hand with his girl friend at 11.30 pm because there shifts are from 2 to 10 pm. Thats India and thats the alertness possessed by our Security forces.

Moreover, even a 5 year old, if hit by a bully on road, will retaliate and fight for it. But what does India do? India just condemn the bombings, correction, Condemn the bombings in strong words. When asked what were RAW and IB doing all the time? There is a foundry minted reply from the officials- We are trying our best to take stock of situation and will let you know after the investigations are over. Honestly, its not their fault. If allowed to work freely, the security forces won't take much of time to clean up India of these obnoxious weeds scattered all over, But that word- ALLOWED carries much weight in itself.

So why is India just tolerating? We don't have the capability to crack down on these terrorists? Or the Civil Nuclear Deal or perhaps the election season are much more important. We all know who's behind these persistent infiltration in our territories but yet, the Government is too numb to act. This silent, unjustified tolerance by the so called Biggest Democracy, Fastest growing Economy, makes one wonder- Are we not armed enough? Mind you, armed by means, not by weapons. We repeatedly pledge and re-ignite our vows on international scene to fight terrorism and yet at home we so often fail to prevent the now-so-common militant attacks.

Its plain simple, these terrorists have no agenda, no demands, no target. They hit and will hit wherever and whenever they get the opportunity. So its upon the Government to prepare the very assets of this country- the people of India to fight against these trespassing, correction VIOLENT trespassing. India have actually forgotten the best way of fighting any dreadious disease- PREVENTION IS BETTER THAN CURE. That how we keep away from them. Its about taking a strong front and adopting a clear cut agenda. If we adopt the zero tolerance policy as by Russia or USA, there is no way any militant would dare eye us.

Yes, we are peace loving, but not cowards. Yes we like to solve situations amicably, but not at the costs of innocent lives of our own people.

Unjustified tolerance

When a government becomes too numb to something, the citizens are easy prey and more vulnerable. Thats what exactly is happening in India.

In very recent times, the country had suffered serial bombings in 3 religiously harmonic and growing metropolises and managed, somehow, to avert 1. After disturbing Jaipur, Bangalore and Ahmedabad were taken on sword by the terrorists in consecutive days and the third disaster averted in Surat the very next day. What does it symbolises? Has the Indian Government left the situation on itself? Or the terrorists are too smart for them to catch? Whatever it does, it surely concludes that the Government had taken a very unique stand on it, which no country and i REPEAT, no country in world can or will do- tolerance, UNJUSTIFIED TOLERANCE.

Agreed India is a country of huge proportions, both by size and population, but is that an excuse. We should look at how China has used it huge population as an asset instead of blaming it for failures and short-comings. With a population of 115 Crore people, pre-dominantly youth, the Government should use it as the best means of internal security. Instead of that, the head-constable on road pulls up a software engineer walking at 11.30 pm. His fault- he was walking hand in hand with his girl friend at 11.30 pm because there shifts are from 2 to 10 pm. Thats India and thats the alertness possessed by our Security forces.

Moreover, even a 5 year old, if hit by a bully on road, will retaliate and fight for it. But what does India do? India just condemn the bombings, correction, Condemn the bombings in strong words. When asked what were RAW and IB doing all the time? There is a foundry minted reply from the officials- We are trying our best to take stock of situation and will let you know after the investigations are over. Honestly, its not their fault. If allowed to work freely, the security forces won't take much of time to clean up India of these obnoxious weeds scattered all over, But that word- ALLOWED carries much weight in itself.

So why is India just tolerating? We don't have the capability to crack down on these terrorists? Or the Civil Nuclear Deal or perhaps the election season are much more important. We all know who's behind these persistent infiltration in our territories but yet, the Government is too numb to act. This silent, unjustified tolerance by the so called Biggest Democracy, Fastest growing Economy, makes one wonder- Are we not armed enough? Mind you, armed by means, not by weapons. We repeatedly pledge and re-ignite our vows on international scene to fight terrorism and yet at home we so often fail to prevent the now-so-common militant attacks.

Its plain simple, these terrorists have no agenda, no demands, no target. They hit and will hit wherever and whenever they get the opportunity. So its upon the Government to prepare the very assets of this country- the people of India to fight against these trespassing, correction VIOLENT trespassing. India have actually forgotten the best way of fighting any dreadious disease- PREVENTION IS BETTER THAN CURE. That how we keep away from them. Its about taking a strong front and adopting a clear cut agenda. If we adopt the zero tolerance policy as by Russia or USA, there is no way any militant would dare eye us.

Yes, we are peace loving, but not cowards. Yes we like to solve situations amicably, but not at the costs of innocent lives of our own people.

The Great Indian Media Challenge

Ok, This ones got nothing to so with my routine. Its about something we call home.

While reading other day about the warning by a certain Mr. Ratan Tata to an Honourable Indian State Goverenment, here West Bengal, i just wondered will Indian ever get out of the myth so called as MEDIA? Its such a shame that the Indian Media always try to protect the rich, affluent and influential people. Correction- they do not protect them, rather they get there pockets filled in exchange of creating a favourable and sympathetic image for them. And if someone messes with the Mafia, i mean the Media, they get a shot in the arm. Media will destroy there public image. So much so that, to save the family members of a 14 year old murdered girl, a certain news channel went on to conduct there own trial on Air. If thats what they think is Trial by Media then they need to read the Indian Law.

Lets get to the case. The dream Indian car, the 100,000 Rs. car promised by Tata and launched in hifty jifty with promises of commercial production and market launch by September-October, 2008. First of all, it was and never will be under or even near to the 100,000 Rs. mark as promised by the manufacturer. Secondly, the sub standard quality of equipments used will surely make one wonder is it really worth driving that car?

Ok, my point in not that. The warning given by Mr. Tata to the West Bengal government to reshift the Nano Plant to somewhere else was projected by the media as it was all the goverenment's fault. We are so used to fed by the waiters in restaurants that whatever the media serve us, we just pounce on that. The actual facts are always covered up so brilliantly that no one believes them even when they really pop out.

Mr. Tata is a businessman. And we all know, that promises of businessmen are meant for quote unquote. He promised the Indian Dream car and when he couldn't actually get his engineers to work on cost controls, he started blaming the government. The truth is that the car or even the prototypes are not ready and won't be for sometime. And thats why the manufacturer starts to point out the obstacles which never existed and actually surfaced after the media highlighted his statements. Now these so called obstacles will be taken as causes of delay in manufacturing of the car and so the public will be fooled yet again.

No, i am not paid by any automobile company to paste this up in my blog, no one reads it anyways. But its just that i am sick of the Indian Media trying time and again and succeeding in fooling the Common Man. We really need a Media Commission which actually try to verify the contents. That would be the day when we get a clear picure. A country of 115 Crore people can get satisfied so easily by 3 Medals in a Summer Olympics. No, its the media that satisfies us by the constant delivery of same stories again and again making us think as we have acquired more than 10 medals in a day. The fact is that we finished at 50th position and when we actually see the list of countries finishing above us, its actually a shame. The best example is Zimbabwe, with all the political and internal turmoil in the country and even facing isolation from the international community, it finished at 38th position with 1 gold and 3 silvers.

Maybe it will change and that will be the dawn of a new era in India.

The Great Indian Media Challenge

Ok, This ones got nothing to so with my routine. Its about something we call home.

While reading other day about the warning by a certain Mr. Ratan Tata to an Honourable Indian State Goverenment, here West Bengal, i just wondered will Indian ever get out of the myth so called as MEDIA? Its such a shame that the Indian Media always try to protect the rich, affluent and influential people. Correction- they do not protect them, rather they get there pockets filled in exchange of creating a favourable and sympathetic image for them. And if someone messes with the Mafia, i mean the Media, they get a shot in the arm. Media will destroy there public image. So much so that, to save the family members of a 14 year old murdered girl, a certain news channel went on to conduct there own trial on Air. If thats what they think is Trial by Media then they need to read the Indian Law.

Lets get to the case. The dream Indian car, the 100,000 Rs. car promised by Tata and launched in hifty jifty with promises of commercial production and market launch by September-October, 2008. First of all, it was and never will be under or even near to the 100,000 Rs. mark as promised by the manufacturer. Secondly, the sub standard quality of equipments used will surely make one wonder is it really worth driving that car?

Ok, my point in not that. The warning given by Mr. Tata to the West Bengal government to reshift the Nano Plant to somewhere else was projected by the media as it was all the goverenment's fault. We are so used to fed by the waiters in restaurants that whatever the media serve us, we just pounce on that. The actual facts are always covered up so brilliantly that no one believes them even when they really pop out.

Mr. Tata is a businessman. And we all know, that promises of businessmen are meant for quote unquote. He promised the Indian Dream car and when he couldn't actually get his engineers to work on cost controls, he started blaming the government. The truth is that the car or even the prototypes are not ready and won't be for sometime. And thats why the manufacturer starts to point out the obstacles which never existed and actually surfaced after the media highlighted his statements. Now these so called obstacles will be taken as causes of delay in manufacturing of the car and so the public will be fooled yet again.

No, i am not paid by any automobile company to paste this up in my blog, no one reads it anyways. But its just that i am sick of the Indian Media trying time and again and succeeding in fooling the Common Man. We really need a Media Commission which actually try to verify the contents. That would be the day when we get a clear picure. A country of 115 Crore people can get satisfied so easily by 3 Medals in a Summer Olympics. No, its the media that satisfies us by the constant delivery of same stories again and again making us think as we have acquired more than 10 medals in a day. The fact is that we finished at 50th position and when we actually see the list of countries finishing above us, its actually a shame. The best example is Zimbabwe, with all the political and internal turmoil in the country and even facing isolation from the international community, it finished at 38th position with 1 gold and 3 silvers.

Maybe it will change and that will be the dawn of a new era in India.

Yeh hai bambai meri JAAN..

People end there day with a blog, like Mr. Amitabh Bachan and i write it at 3 in afternoon. Thats what so unique about me. My mom always used to say i am different, though she meant it in a sarcastic way. But lol, i am different i guess.

So, yesterday, first day of week, was actually quite hectic. Yes, it was work, but not all work. The social obligations, the will to give back to society also had to be addressed. As well as a commitment with some friends for a long due dinner.

It started with a good news ofcourse. Getting the driving test date rescheduled is an achievement in itself. And my man for the job did that after a bit of drama. But all's well when it ends well.

The appointments are, for a change, getting honoured this week, unlike a fortnight back. People seems to have finally settled in the business spirit after the vacation lay off.

Never expect, that way, you get satisfied easily. Thats exactly what happened on the social responsibility front. I didn't expected anyone and i got a 8 times satisfaction. Things are good, taking shape.

Now, the dinner, well. Nothing beats live music, nothing. Ae dil hai mushkil, jeena yaha, Jara hatke, jara bachke, yeh hai bambai meri jaan. The requests were obliged instantaneously and never stopped actually. The good ol' days. Memories remain.

Crashing at 2.30 and then getting up at 9 is what i hate most, but well, have to do it. Its about earning a bread (with some butter, jam, cheese etc). getting ready for another day.

Yeh hai bambai meri JAAN..

People end there day with a blog, like Mr. Amitabh Bachan and i write it at 3 in afternoon. Thats what so unique about me. My mom always used to say i am different, though she meant it in a sarcastic way. But lol, i am different i guess.

So, yesterday, first day of week, was actually quite hectic. Yes, it was work, but not all work. The social obligations, the will to give back to society also had to be addressed. As well as a commitment with some friends for a long due dinner.

It started with a good news ofcourse. Getting the driving test date rescheduled is an achievement in itself. And my man for the job did that after a bit of drama. But all's well when it ends well.

The appointments are, for a change, getting honoured this week, unlike a fortnight back. People seems to have finally settled in the business spirit after the vacation lay off.

Never expect, that way, you get satisfied easily. Thats exactly what happened on the social responsibility front. I didn't expected anyone and i got a 8 times satisfaction. Things are good, taking shape.

Now, the dinner, well. Nothing beats live music, nothing. Ae dil hai mushkil, jeena yaha, Jara hatke, jara bachke, yeh hai bambai meri jaan. The requests were obliged instantaneously and never stopped actually. The good ol' days. Memories remain.

Crashing at 2.30 and then getting up at 9 is what i hate most, but well, have to do it. Its about earning a bread (with some butter, jam, cheese etc). getting ready for another day.

TV's Back

LOL!! Yeah, atlast the problems with my satelite TV were fixed by two gentlemen who appeared out of nowhere. Gosh! Its hard to live without TV in these times. Imagine missing the moment of glory in Olympics or the probbing spell of Zaheer that made Jaya and Sanga look like debutants or Deco's 27 metre near post netter in first EPL game. Well, TV again helps, with the relays ofcourse.

So, the misery continues, the long and agonising wait to get the driving test rescheduled is getting on my nerves. How senseless people can be sometimes? Specially when they are given undue power and authority. Guess thats how it works. The deserving never get the rightous.

Well, the weather is definately getting unpredictable. The Global Warming's really affecting. How else would someone explain temperatures ranging from 36 to 24 degrees 24 hours hours apart? But for a change 36 degrees is welcomed in August.

Ramadan is someone all the people wait. Some for its auspisiousity, holiness, purity and some for the sheer fun of a good 4-5 days off. Its as eagerly anticipated every year as a Olympic Gold for US. Am looking forward to it, more so because it happens to be my birthday around as well.

The travelling time appears to be coming near. Well hate it, but have to.

Off for now!!

TV's Back

LOL!! Yeah, atlast the problems with my satelite TV were fixed by two gentlemen who appeared out of nowhere. Gosh! Its hard to live without TV in these times. Imagine missing the moment of glory in Olympics or the probbing spell of Zaheer that made Jaya and Sanga look like debutants or Deco's 27 metre near post netter in first EPL game. Well, TV again helps, with the relays ofcourse.

So, the misery continues, the long and agonising wait to get the driving test rescheduled is getting on my nerves. How senseless people can be sometimes? Specially when they are given undue power and authority. Guess thats how it works. The deserving never get the rightous.

Well, the weather is definately getting unpredictable. The Global Warming's really affecting. How else would someone explain temperatures ranging from 36 to 24 degrees 24 hours hours apart? But for a change 36 degrees is welcomed in August.

Ramadan is someone all the people wait. Some for its auspisiousity, holiness, purity and some for the sheer fun of a good 4-5 days off. Its as eagerly anticipated every year as a Olympic Gold for US. Am looking forward to it, more so because it happens to be my birthday around as well.

The travelling time appears to be coming near. Well hate it, but have to.

Off for now!!

Back to Work

Its good to be back to work after a gruelling week of extensive and unorganised travelling. A week off can do wonders to boring schedule and spring new ambitions and aspirations to front. Thats exactly what has happened.

Well, after the wet and quite cool India, its back to dry and very hot Dubai. Thats one part i hate most. From absolute 15 Degree, landing to 45 degrees is like going to Hell from Heaven. But i guess compromises are as necessary in one's life as daily bread. And eventually we develop a habit of making compromises even when we deserve something rightously. Thats life.

So the presentation mechanism got a whole new look, and its much better than the earlier white plastics. The inventory got reshuffled and orgainsed. Its looking tidier now. Its time to get set fot the upcoming festive season. How world would be without festivals? I love them personally.

Personally, sunday couldn't have been any better. First, revokcation of old associate, than Chelsea winning the season opener emphatically and to celebrate that, what can be better than a dinner at Jumeirah Beach Hotel with some ol' buddies? Drinks and dance is the flavour of any party and it was none less at ours as well. One helluva time.

And then something pissing- someone calling you at 3.36 at night? And that also a wrong number! Sickening. Why can't someone check the number before dialling. And why the hell do you call someone at the wee hours? Well the last question can have unlimited answers but yeah it was very irritating.

Back to Work

Its good to be back to work after a gruelling week of extensive and unorganised travelling. A week off can do wonders to boring schedule and spring new ambitions and aspirations to front. Thats exactly what has happened.

Well, after the wet and quite cool India, its back to dry and very hot Dubai. Thats one part i hate most. From absolute 15 Degree, landing to 45 degrees is like going to Hell from Heaven. But i guess compromises are as necessary in one's life as daily bread. And eventually we develop a habit of making compromises even when we deserve something rightously. Thats life.

So the presentation mechanism got a whole new look, and its much better than the earlier white plastics. The inventory got reshuffled and orgainsed. Its looking tidier now. Its time to get set fot the upcoming festive season. How world would be without festivals? I love them personally.

Personally, sunday couldn't have been any better. First, revokcation of old associate, than Chelsea winning the season opener emphatically and to celebrate that, what can be better than a dinner at Jumeirah Beach Hotel with some ol' buddies? Drinks and dance is the flavour of any party and it was none less at ours as well. One helluva time.

And then something pissing- someone calling you at 3.36 at night? And that also a wrong number! Sickening. Why can't someone check the number before dialling. And why the hell do you call someone at the wee hours? Well the last question can have unlimited answers but yeah it was very irritating.

In India, Do as the Indians Do!!

Ok!! So, the indian fairy tale / nightmare ends here. Being home is always like a fairy tale and Mumbai in Monsoon is always a nightmare. No point complaining, home is where heart is. So the indian love story is on pause for now.

The last 3 days were wonderful to say the least!! Freaking out with long lost school friends, a all boys party was something long cherished and accidentally fulfilled. Although the best of friends were missing, but, for a change, those present weren't a let down either. The memories of good ol' days crossed the hyper consciuos minds and are still very much in the horizon.

This was a Raksha Bandhan trip, which i mentioned a lot of times earlier as well. Infact this was the first time i was in deficit on an Indian trip in place of being with surplus like other times around. Infact i think Raksha Bandhan is not the best time for a India trip, but i ain't complaining. I have atleast 10 strong threads and hopefully a lot more blessings guarding me for a year.

Love's lost or perhaps a ray in the dark? Answers have to be given or doubts cleared, before its too late. But i surely learnt one thing, it happens.

The short trip was nice but whirlwind, waiting for the Eid Holidays (more anxiously my birthday, which conincedes ;) ), will hit back again for sure, atleast thats planned for now.

Ok, my first blog from India said try Boeing 777 AI 716 flight from Dubai to Mumbai, but i take it back. I took AI717 from Mumbai to Dubai and for the first time in my life, i felt that scarry feeling. The face-off with death, the fear of it sent me shivering and the crew shouting on radio made it even worse. Reporting bad weather when there was no sign of it at all. Anyways, i am stil recapturating from that. Gotta rush for another Raksha Bandhan tying, locally.

In India, Do as the Indians Do!!

Ok!! So, the indian fairy tale / nightmare ends here. Being home is always like a fairy tale and Mumbai in Monsoon is always a nightmare. No point complaining, home is where heart is. So the indian love story is on pause for now.

The last 3 days were wonderful to say the least!! Freaking out with long lost school friends, a all boys party was something long cherished and accidentally fulfilled. Although the best of friends were missing, but, for a change, those present weren't a let down either. The memories of good ol' days crossed the hyper consciuos minds and are still very much in the horizon.

This was a Raksha Bandhan trip, which i mentioned a lot of times earlier as well. Infact this was the first time i was in deficit on an Indian trip in place of being with surplus like other times around. Infact i think Raksha Bandhan is not the best time for a India trip, but i ain't complaining. I have atleast 10 strong threads and hopefully a lot more blessings guarding me for a year.

Love's lost or perhaps a ray in the dark? Answers have to be given or doubts cleared, before its too late. But i surely learnt one thing, it happens.

The short trip was nice but whirlwind, waiting for the Eid Holidays (more anxiously my birthday, which conincedes ;) ), will hit back again for sure, atleast thats planned for now.

Ok, my first blog from India said try Boeing 777 AI 716 flight from Dubai to Mumbai, but i take it back. I took AI717 from Mumbai to Dubai and for the first time in my life, i felt that scarry feeling. The face-off with death, the fear of it sent me shivering and the crew shouting on radio made it even worse. Reporting bad weather when there was no sign of it at all. Anyways, i am stil recapturating from that. Gotta rush for another Raksha Bandhan tying, locally.

Enriching India

I should have written a post every 4 hours , but instead i am writing this after 4 days! India is always a different experience and moreover if its Mumbai in Monsoon. The incessant rains and horrible infrastructure makes a complete nightmarish experience. Even the first impression leaves one wondering whether its India's Financial Capital or some small city, century old Airport. Bombay, sorry, Mumbai need to learn from Evu (A small trading centre in China) first rather than dreaming of becoming Shanghai!! Its centuries behind and things are not looking good either. I am being realistic rather than pessimist as might sound.

Well the first day was horrible, An International Exhibition, that also of who's who from the World's Diamond and Gold Fraternity needs some proper management and more importantly some better timing. Mumbai is just fine, if the exhibition is organised in any other time of year. Mumbai in monsoons is something even the locals don't like, forget the overseas visitor. But instead of organising the premium event in February, the GJEPC organises the Goa show for leisure rather than trade. Even a 5-year old kid in mumbai can do better than the event organisers. Pity, India is a democracy with more loopholes than fillers. Against expectation, the next Generations of the bureaucrats think even worse than them.

I might be a big critic if Indian political and Government administration system, but i can't say the same about Indian Movie Industry. Well they surely knows how to make money, who cares about sensible cinema. The fact restrengthened after watching Singh is King- A flick with no story line, yet more than capable of attracting the crazy Indian Movie buffs to cinema halls. So much that we have to pay 150 bucks for a ticket of just 80. Well thats India. But the movie experience didn't ended there, there was more in line. The Dark Knight certainly kept everyone on the edge of seats, even K-JO. Well a American dude would have not even slept if he would have walked out of a Beverly Hills theatre with Steven Spielberg, but K-JO ain't Spielberg nor am i American. So it was nothing more than walking alongside a GAY Pansie in a comparatively less liberal society, but mind you he seemed definitely a Ladies Man.

On personal front, this one is a Rakshabandhan trip- the festival of empty pockets for brothers and BIG gifts for sisters. But i am not complaining. It feels good to have so many caring sisters- love ya all. So its time for time away from the wet weather to a relatively less watery place. But the jitters of going back are already felt and thats something i don't want to think about right now.

And yeah, something to be complimented, next time if you are flying from Dubai to Mumbai, please try Air India's AI716 Flight. If you can afford to leave at 5 from Dubai, its worth the time wasted at the Mumbai Airport, just the air hostess could have been better and polite and may be younger, not 50 +. But still the credit should be given to the State run airlines. Boeing 777 is something worth being proud of.
Signing off for now!!

Enriching India

I should have written a post every 4 hours , but instead i am writing this after 4 days! India is always a different experience and moreover if its Mumbai in Monsoon. The incessant rains and horrible infrastructure makes a complete nightmarish experience. Even the first impression leaves one wondering whether its India's Financial Capital or some small city, century old Airport. Bombay, sorry, Mumbai need to learn from Evu (A small trading centre in China) first rather than dreaming of becoming Shanghai!! Its centuries behind and things are not looking good either. I am being realistic rather than pessimist as might sound.

Well the first day was horrible, An International Exhibition, that also of who's who from the World's Diamond and Gold Fraternity needs some proper management and more importantly some better timing. Mumbai is just fine, if the exhibition is organised in any other time of year. Mumbai in monsoons is something even the locals don't like, forget the overseas visitor. But instead of organising the premium event in February, the GJEPC organises the Goa show for leisure rather than trade. Even a 5-year old kid in mumbai can do better than the event organisers. Pity, India is a democracy with more loopholes than fillers. Against expectation, the next Generations of the bureaucrats think even worse than them.

I might be a big critic if Indian political and Government administration system, but i can't say the same about Indian Movie Industry. Well they surely knows how to make money, who cares about sensible cinema. The fact restrengthened after watching Singh is King- A flick with no story line, yet more than capable of attracting the crazy Indian Movie buffs to cinema halls. So much that we have to pay 150 bucks for a ticket of just 80. Well thats India. But the movie experience didn't ended there, there was more in line. The Dark Knight certainly kept everyone on the edge of seats, even K-JO. Well a American dude would have not even slept if he would have walked out of a Beverly Hills theatre with Steven Spielberg, but K-JO ain't Spielberg nor am i American. So it was nothing more than walking alongside a GAY Pansie in a comparatively less liberal society, but mind you he seemed definitely a Ladies Man.

On personal front, this one is a Rakshabandhan trip- the festival of empty pockets for brothers and BIG gifts for sisters. But i am not complaining. It feels good to have so many caring sisters- love ya all. So its time for time away from the wet weather to a relatively less watery place. But the jitters of going back are already felt and thats something i don't want to think about right now.

And yeah, something to be complimented, next time if you are flying from Dubai to Mumbai, please try Air India's AI716 Flight. If you can afford to leave at 5 from Dubai, its worth the time wasted at the Mumbai Airport, just the air hostess could have been better and polite and may be younger, not 50 +. But still the credit should be given to the State run airlines. Boeing 777 is something worth being proud of.
Signing off for now!!

Too much to do!!

Well, as expected my new sleep schedule lasted for 1 day and couldn't crash before 12 the last nite. But that also after some soul searching and some meaningful interaction with my mentor!! Yes, at 12 in night and its not too late considering our earlier interactions, some were even at 2. Am all up for business, even it means NO SLEEP.

My new alarm tone- Onkar is something i am getting used to, i put it on snooze everytime, the earlier church bell was better, it irritated to the core and i have to stop snoozing and get going. The way to office was never as pleasing as today, a precious hour to discuss so many new oppurtunities (and to hammer the bank balance) is something any business minded person would cherish, but unfortunately today was for something else, but not something less cherished though.

To see somebody pushing oneself for someone else' benefit, was a new thing. 2 hours wasted in the ministry taught me a new lesson, no matter how others behave, the final call will always be yours and that one moment is enought to show your character- Either you fall from grace or rise to peaks. And someone did rose from peaks to peaks, for me atleast, in 2 hours.

And then the change of guard, literally. I hate carrying excess baggage, though it did upset someone, but i said NO to myself as well. Waiting for ages for a checked in baggage at airports is certainly not my cup of (earl grey, class you see) tea. And thats something i am very particular about.

The work never ends and as evident, its only an hour to go to airport, i am still finishing up things. The 'instruction lists' have to be distributed. Thought don't feel like leaving the office unattended, its still for business!!

This may be the earliest to be published note but have to sign off for the day early from the online community!!

Too much to do!!

Well, as expected my new sleep schedule lasted for 1 day and couldn't crash before 12 the last nite. But that also after some soul searching and some meaningful interaction with my mentor!! Yes, at 12 in night and its not too late considering our earlier interactions, some were even at 2. Am all up for business, even it means NO SLEEP.

My new alarm tone- Onkar is something i am getting used to, i put it on snooze everytime, the earlier church bell was better, it irritated to the core and i have to stop snoozing and get going. The way to office was never as pleasing as today, a precious hour to discuss so many new oppurtunities (and to hammer the bank balance) is something any business minded person would cherish, but unfortunately today was for something else, but not something less cherished though.

To see somebody pushing oneself for someone else' benefit, was a new thing. 2 hours wasted in the ministry taught me a new lesson, no matter how others behave, the final call will always be yours and that one moment is enought to show your character- Either you fall from grace or rise to peaks. And someone did rose from peaks to peaks, for me atleast, in 2 hours.

And then the change of guard, literally. I hate carrying excess baggage, though it did upset someone, but i said NO to myself as well. Waiting for ages for a checked in baggage at airports is certainly not my cup of (earl grey, class you see) tea. And thats something i am very particular about.

The work never ends and as evident, its only an hour to go to airport, i am still finishing up things. The 'instruction lists' have to be distributed. Thought don't feel like leaving the office unattended, its still for business!!

This may be the earliest to be published note but have to sign off for the day early from the online community!!

Flowing ideas or perhaps Knocking Oppurtunities!!!

Better than i thought, went in hibernation at 8 last night and a 11 hour (interrupted for 30 bucks, not joking) sleep really did a lot of good for my dieing eyes and subconsciuosly working brain!! There is nothing better than a sound sleep.

As was to be carried out, the daring task of going through the heavy traffic of Sharjah at 8 in the morning, was rather quite easy, sleeping on the way was something i never did before. So the night and the morning session belonged to my newly made friend, sleep!!

The feeling of mixed emotions is not new, specially when its caused by one specifc person. Confused- No ways, Mind Games- May be, Sympathy-Yes. But one thing was prooved wrong today, you can still pull or perhaps force your arrow back after shooting from your bow. And surely, the reputation of this specific person got enhanced. He grew taller than Burj Dubai for me!! But yet the blunder remains unresolved, hopefully tommorow, INSHALLAH!!!

Back to office, it was time for some rescheduling of appointments and some organising. Absolutely done of plastic money now, i hate banks, got one more, but quite sexy, today. Am thinking of buying a visiting card holder to arrange the plastic money!!! One more netbanking password to remember and one more card PIN!! Seems like in a couple of years, people will need a CARD MANAGER for themselves!!! And i surely know a lot of people for this job.

As they say, oppurtunities come knocking, just let them in, and perhaps, did exactly the same today. My Twinings Earl Grey Tea (I love TEA now) companion dropped by for cuppa and neither he was disappointed neither would i regret that cup! Another idea and perhaps another oppurtunity. But its true, friendship have absolutely no age and thats exactly what 2 people installed in me over last week.

On another front, social responsibility, there seems to be no development today, or perhaps people are upset with my way too polite (thats what i intended) attitude. But haven't heard from any of them today. Thats something i am very serious about.

Another meeting cancelled, and another wastage of time, that seems like the trend of week, 6 times in 5 days is much more than trend, its routine!! Seems like meetings this week were meant to be cancelled!!

Seemingly impossible, but true, the roads were like waiting for me to roll through! Literally flew through the roads! Wished it would be so forever, but some wishes are never meant to be fulfilled.

Well its almost 9 and by my newly fixed bedtime, its an hour over so got to crash soon and hope for an uninterrrupted doze!!!!!

Flowing ideas or perhaps Knocking Oppurtunities!!!

Better than i thought, went in hibernation at 8 last night and a 11 hour (interrupted for 30 bucks, not joking) sleep really did a lot of good for my dieing eyes and subconsciuosly working brain!! There is nothing better than a sound sleep.

As was to be carried out, the daring task of going through the heavy traffic of Sharjah at 8 in the morning, was rather quite easy, sleeping on the way was something i never did before. So the night and the morning session belonged to my newly made friend, sleep!!

The feeling of mixed emotions is not new, specially when its caused by one specifc person. Confused- No ways, Mind Games- May be, Sympathy-Yes. But one thing was prooved wrong today, you can still pull or perhaps force your arrow back after shooting from your bow. And surely, the reputation of this specific person got enhanced. He grew taller than Burj Dubai for me!! But yet the blunder remains unresolved, hopefully tommorow, INSHALLAH!!!

Back to office, it was time for some rescheduling of appointments and some organising. Absolutely done of plastic money now, i hate banks, got one more, but quite sexy, today. Am thinking of buying a visiting card holder to arrange the plastic money!!! One more netbanking password to remember and one more card PIN!! Seems like in a couple of years, people will need a CARD MANAGER for themselves!!! And i surely know a lot of people for this job.

As they say, oppurtunities come knocking, just let them in, and perhaps, did exactly the same today. My Twinings Earl Grey Tea (I love TEA now) companion dropped by for cuppa and neither he was disappointed neither would i regret that cup! Another idea and perhaps another oppurtunity. But its true, friendship have absolutely no age and thats exactly what 2 people installed in me over last week.

On another front, social responsibility, there seems to be no development today, or perhaps people are upset with my way too polite (thats what i intended) attitude. But haven't heard from any of them today. Thats something i am very serious about.

Another meeting cancelled, and another wastage of time, that seems like the trend of week, 6 times in 5 days is much more than trend, its routine!! Seems like meetings this week were meant to be cancelled!!

Seemingly impossible, but true, the roads were like waiting for me to roll through! Literally flew through the roads! Wished it would be so forever, but some wishes are never meant to be fulfilled.

Well its almost 9 and by my newly fixed bedtime, its an hour over so got to crash soon and hope for an uninterrrupted doze!!!!!

Wandering Emotions!!

After the Mesmerising (and LONG) evening the other night, would have never left the bed if the window blinds were also laid to rest properly with me. But the dizzy eyes cordinating with half dead brain and unwilling hands could just pull the cords to satisfy themselves.

The mind started to curse the world as soon as it experienced the day light first hand. Global warming gave us a pleasant (momentary)gift. The scene of Crying Sky is non existent in this part of world in AUGUST. The mercury seemed to be dipping to bottom for the current climatic conditions and cool breeze crashing against the face at 10.30 in morning. Although till now we used to have clothes only for two-Hot and Warm climates in our wardrobe, it seems the third ones will have to be filled in Soon. Unbelievable but true!!!

The feeling of being stranded in the middle of town, waiting for a cab, is something everyone (not having the privilege of a Driving License) in Dubai can understand. And when the wait goes from minutes to hours, the value and importance of time becomes suddenly all the more important. Even more when the time wasted is not for your own self. So thats how the day started.

My newly found relaxed approach towards work (read PROBLEMS) saved someone from my wrath today and i am sure myself a week before would have thwarted that person to all corners of his huge body frame. But still the silence expressed everything, he couldn't look in my eyes. Am getting convinced that this will work or may be for sometime, till than, temper has to pack bags for a vacation.

Shopping always helps, even for GUYS!!!! But only when the bill is paid off with free vouchers. Wonder how the agony of an entirely horrible day can be sublimated by some paper money? Thats one reason why i love spending in stores with loyality points, though, to discover that out of 450, a voucher of 100 bucks have already expired, is like LOSS IN PROFIT. But as they say, something is better than nothing.

After a partially enjoyable (the evenings were wonderful) and musical week so far, in which i experienced some soul stirring Latin American, Indian Classical and some meaningful World Music, it looks like that finally will put the machine on hibernation latest by 10 today and prepare myself for another (and possibly the last, end of that BLUNDER) painstaking task (which is yet unjustified to myself). But nonetheless, not a typical day, getting a cab was itself an achievement and that feeling soon transformed to anger, but, somehow, unbelievably, i held my nerve. And the 350 bucks vouchers soon pushed out the anger to joy and will hopefully get some much needed change to my wardrobe, it wasn't upgraded for 3 months.

Wandering Emotions!!

After the Mesmerising (and LONG) evening the other night, would have never left the bed if the window blinds were also laid to rest properly with me. But the dizzy eyes cordinating with half dead brain and unwilling hands could just pull the cords to satisfy themselves.

The mind started to curse the world as soon as it experienced the day light first hand. Global warming gave us a pleasant (momentary)gift. The scene of Crying Sky is non existent in this part of world in AUGUST. The mercury seemed to be dipping to bottom for the current climatic conditions and cool breeze crashing against the face at 10.30 in morning. Although till now we used to have clothes only for two-Hot and Warm climates in our wardrobe, it seems the third ones will have to be filled in Soon. Unbelievable but true!!!

The feeling of being stranded in the middle of town, waiting for a cab, is something everyone (not having the privilege of a Driving License) in Dubai can understand. And when the wait goes from minutes to hours, the value and importance of time becomes suddenly all the more important. Even more when the time wasted is not for your own self. So thats how the day started.

My newly found relaxed approach towards work (read PROBLEMS) saved someone from my wrath today and i am sure myself a week before would have thwarted that person to all corners of his huge body frame. But still the silence expressed everything, he couldn't look in my eyes. Am getting convinced that this will work or may be for sometime, till than, temper has to pack bags for a vacation.

Shopping always helps, even for GUYS!!!! But only when the bill is paid off with free vouchers. Wonder how the agony of an entirely horrible day can be sublimated by some paper money? Thats one reason why i love spending in stores with loyality points, though, to discover that out of 450, a voucher of 100 bucks have already expired, is like LOSS IN PROFIT. But as they say, something is better than nothing.

After a partially enjoyable (the evenings were wonderful) and musical week so far, in which i experienced some soul stirring Latin American, Indian Classical and some meaningful World Music, it looks like that finally will put the machine on hibernation latest by 10 today and prepare myself for another (and possibly the last, end of that BLUNDER) painstaking task (which is yet unjustified to myself). But nonetheless, not a typical day, getting a cab was itself an achievement and that feeling soon transformed to anger, but, somehow, unbelievably, i held my nerve. And the 350 bucks vouchers soon pushed out the anger to joy and will hopefully get some much needed change to my wardrobe, it wasn't upgraded for 3 months.